Wednesday, February 6

Music Headache!

I don't know if it's just me, but have you ever had a music headache? I wonder, is there such thing? I've been having really hard sleeping issues this past week. The week before last, because of my health problems, I was going to bed at 8pm every night! That is very different for an average 15 year old these days! I read my Bible and pray every night before my lights go off. I really don't get it. I think, will reading a reassuring and comforting Psalm help when David was having troubles? I try it, but it never works. I lay my head down on my big fluffy pillow, curl up like a baby, hug my teddy bear, and pull up my warm feather comforter and begin to fall asleep. Suddenly, a song get's popped into my head. Doesn't matter what song, whether it's what I'm studying in piano, what we are singing in choir at school, or the fun jazzy Michael Buble, or even my favorite band Casting Crowns, it won't go away!! I get my ipod out and listen to the song and hope that it will get out of my head. Nope, that didn't work, and definently made it worse! So, I watch a funny Pixar Short Film that would hopefully distract my mind a bit. Nope, that just made it worse! So, I get out my journal, and start writing down whatever comes to my mind first. Does that help? Nope, it just made it worse! All these thoughts are just running through my head and won't go away!! I've been a week behind in school; trying my hardest to catch up to the peeps in my class, so it's been a little bit stressful. So, all these tests I'm studying for are building up more and more. I'll be laying there with my eyes open and suddenly a thought of what kind of ion is in a base from my physical science class will come into my head. Then a crazy idea of a new invention! Or, what it would be like to become a famous chef! ALL THESE RANDOM MUSIC AND THOUGHTS WON'T GO AWAY! What a music headache.....maybe I should not listen to any music for a month! If anyone has any ideas please comment on this post! I've tried most everything. I've even tried to drug myself with Benadryl, and that doesn't work. I'll prop my head up and try to sleep so all the blood doesn't rush to my brain, and that doesn't seem to work either. I'll play games on my laptop to try and make my eyes tired, and that doesn't work either! What is wrong with me? WILL THIS EVER STOP!!!!!! Anyone!!! JUST GIVE ME SOME ADVICE!!!! SOMEONE!!!!!!!! if you don't have any, and are having the same problems, maybe we could chat....and create some new medicine for the sleeping disorder. That's it! I have a sleeping disorder!!! Why do I still seem tired, even though I can't fall asleep. I've been so tired lately; yawning, drooping eyelids, dark circles under my eyes, but I still can't make myself fall asleep. Something is wrong, and I don't know what.

Someday, this music headache has got to stop!