Friday, September 24

Wednesday, June 23

Dustin Tavella

"Music is my passion but, not my purpose... My skill but, not my Worth. It is what I do but, not who I am. I live for something deeper. I have found what love is... Only to realize it is far greater than we thought. So I strive to live... but not without Love. Are you living? or just breathing to death?" - quote by Dustin Tavella


Dustin Tavella is an artist on his way to success! I am subscribed to him on youtube and I enjoy watching his music videos and listening to his music that he writes. He is quite the fun-loving dude! :)

Monday, March 22

Michael Buble
Click the link to see Michael Buble's 80 suits video episode!

Yes, I am crazy about him. He actually saved my dad and I from a car accident in a snowstorm. We were listening to his music in the car in the Vermont mountains during a blizzard. If it wasn't for him, we would have gotten in a car accident. He gave us hope! :)

Tuesday, March 2

Amazing Grace

This piece is very special to my school's choir. It was arranged by our former choir director, Mr. Adam Schwamb. We sang it as our closing piece for the last concert with Mr. Schwamb. And here it is. Amazing Grace sung by the Mid Vermont Christian School Chamber Choir on May 5, 2009.