Wednesday, December 10

Exciting News!

this is just some exciting news that I recieved today!

On Monday, December 8, 2008, I auditioned as an alto for the Vermont High School Winter Districts Choir this year!

Today, Wednesday, December 10, 2008, I got in! It's so exciting! As a sophmore in highschool, this is big news!

I'm not sure when the concert is, or what school we are performing, but, I'll keep you posted! =D

Oh, and one other thing:
My school christmas concert is this Friday at Mid Vermont Christian School in Queeche, Vermont, at 7:00 p.m. If your interested, please come! I'm an alto this christmas! Last year, I was a soprano. Anways, we are singing some good ole christmas carols and two pieces by Palestrina! Well, I'm singing two because I am also in Chamber Choir. =D PLEASE COME and have the concert of your life!

just kidding...


Lydia said...

i wish i could come.. but the weather was really bad and we couldn't.. i was planning on it though.. see ya at church on Sunday!


Unknown said...

it was a good concert this year, as far as our small school goes...