Monday, March 9

Why did God create music to have such a powerful sway?

So, I've been having a lot of arguements and/or debates with my friends about our musical tastes. People keep telling me that we just have different preferences and to leave it at that and not to argue over which is better. Man...I don't know if it's just me, but, it really gives me shivers when I hear the music that is being played today among people my age. People have told me that I'm weird, and even shunned me, because I hate that music, but, too bad. I LOVE IT and I LIVE FOR IT!
My teacher loaned me this book called the Music of Jesus: From Composistion to Koinonia by Mark Hijleh (his composition professor at Houghton College). I read chapter one last night. And, just chapter one has already dealt with most of this issue. Here are some quotes that I wrote down in my journal. I just couldn't reword this in my own words, it's so good. Remeber, this is just from chapter one!

"God wants music to be used as a tool to reflect the power of His nature."
"Nothing seems to speak to the power and majesty, the tenderness and sorrow, and the creative aspects of God as directly as musical sound does."
"Music better conveys the concepts which are outside the realm of linguistic meaning than words do."
"Music is here to remind us of and to reflect the eternal things of God that words cannot convey."

and my favorite:
"Music has the ability to corrupt as well as to edify."
Wow. I hope my good friends are reading this. I've been looking through some of the music I have and noticing that I even have some trash, that I probably should be getting rid of. Music was created by God....and as Christians we should be taking care of His creation (GENESIS!!).... by, trying our best to excell in our musical abilities, and to listen to the music that displays God's character! crazy.
I'll be sharing more on this topic, so, I'll keep you posted!


Unknown said...

As one of your good friends, I have to say that this is great. I completely agree with you on this one. While I enjoy some music that you probably wouldn't enjoy (no, it's not screamo, can't stomach the stuff), you've got it right in that we need to be careful in making sure it's edifying - in the world, not of it! Those people are just weird if they've shunned you for it. And those quotes are great.

Brian Sayers said...

Hello darling,...I thought I would point you to an interesting article concerning the moral neutrality of music, before you get too far afield in your thinking about why one form of music is better than another.
Pastor Johnson does a very good job explaining why music itself (in any form) is not good or bad.
I think he will actually address some specific issues that the author of the book you're reading will make.
I am curious about this. You say the author says, "Music is here to remind us of and to reflect the eternal things of God that words cannot convey." If words cannot convey these things, then how do we reflect on them? Likewise, there is no such thing as a "concept" without words. Enjoying or understanding what anything "reflects" of something else is a reality that necessarily involves the use of mental capacity, which means it MUST include words. We can't think without words, therefore we can't reflect on anything that words cannot convey. It sounds like a really wise and insightful comment, but really I think it is just philosophical bunk. Be careful.
I love you, and your music.